π» Know who's calling the token you've aped in an easily accessible central location, as new callers mention receive live real time updates.
Last updated
π» Know who's calling the token you've aped in an easily accessible central location, as new callers mention receive live real time updates.
Last updated
π Current Available Chains: ETH | BASE | BLAST
We've made it easy for you. Effortlessly access caller info from our 1000+ Telegram call channel database sources in seconds and get instant notifications when your tracked tokens are mentioned. We're calling it "social" because our future plans extend beyond Telegram calls
Note: if bot identifies any pre-existing matches from before you initiated tracking, a list will be sent to you via RuDMs. As the bot discovers new sources, it will ping you and update the list in real-time..
We have 3 different ways you can use this bot:
Buttons on Channel Posts
Command (in RuPro)
You can call a 1 time track by clicking on the 'Track Calls' button below posts on RuPro channels.
Get continuous tracking of call channel owners calling the token you're calling
You can use the command /track token CA
within RuPro.
RuPro Buttons ( see here)